Nîmes notes

a picture diary from a Roman town in the south of France

Marie Sara, boutique and rejoneadora


mariesaraFor me, Marie Sara had so far been a name of a clothes shop in Nîmes (40 rue Madeleine). But a couple of days ago I learned who is the person Marie Sara, when she entered on the Arenes of Nîmes riding her horse alongside with Paco Ojeda. As Marie Sara is a famous French rejoneadora, one of the few female horseback bullfighter. She had received her alternative in Nîmes in 1991, and now she was there for the ceremony of the young rejoneadora, Léa Vicens.

I’m not sure if the clothing shop is Marie Sara’s (real name Marie Bourseiller) own business or not, but at least now I became curious. The clothes sold are quite elegant, the little that I’ve checked. Here is a picture of Marie Sara the rejoneadora in Nîmes this feria:


Author: nimes notes

Picture diaries from Nîmes (and Marseille), South of France

6 thoughts on “Marie Sara, boutique and rejoneadora

  1. love the pink, certainly eye catching!

  2. Never seen bullfighting in France, different from the Spanish version I guess.

    • Actually it’s exactly the same – most of the torero’s are Spanish, but there are also French, Portuguese and Latin American torero’s. The horseback bullfight is older than the bullfight we are more familiar with; it was a sports (if you can call it that) of the nobility.

      There is, however, a sort of French style bullfights, known as Course Camarguaise and Course Landaise. But they are very different, and the bull is not killed in the end of the game.

  3. Seems like a nice boutique, I love the pink color.

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